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The Country Life book of Queen Elizabeth, the Queen Mother / Godfrey Talbot ; foreword by the Prince of Wales. --
Queen Elizabeth, the Queen Mother, 1900-2002 [electronic resource] : the Queen Mother and her century : a tribute / Arthur Bousfield & Garry Toffoli.
Queen Elizabeth, the Queen Mother, 1900-2002 [electronic resource] : the Queen Mother and her century : a tribute / Arthur Bousfield & Garry Toffoli.
Queen Elizabeth, the Queen Mother, 1900-2002 [electronic resource] : the Queen Mother and her century : a tribute / Arthur Bousfield & Garry Toffoli.
The Illustrated London News. Coronation record number. King George VI and Queen Elizabeth.
The Queen Mother and her century [electronic resource] : an illustrated biography of Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother and her 100th birthday / Arthur Bousfield & Garry Toffoli.
The Queen Mother and her century [electronic resource] : an illustrated biography of Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother and her 100th birthday / Arthur Bousfield & Garry Toffoli.
The Queen Mother and her century [electronic resource] : an illustrated biography of Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother and her 100th birthday / Arthur Bousfield & Garry Toffoli.
An English Queen and Stalingrad [electronic resource] : The Story Of Elizabeth Angela Marguerite Bowes-Lyon (1900-2002).
Queen Elizabeth, the Queen Mother, 1900-2002 : the Queen Mother and her century : a tribute / Arthur Bousfield & Garry Toffoli.

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